The project is expected to help you to read books:
git clone
.cp env.template .env
.docker compose up -d --build --force-recreate
docker exec -i -t tracker-app python3 /app/tracker/
Here there are the books, articles, courses etc. to read with some analytics, the expected reading time according to the mean pages read.
Here there are the materials you are currently reading.
Here there are the materials that have been read.
Here there are the materials that have been read and need to be read again, repeated after a month or more. The priority is equal to the number of months since the material was last read or repeated.
Here there is the reading log of the materials. The day is red if there are less than average pages, green if there are more.
Here there are notes, the most important info from the materials. The user can search a note with Manticoresearch by any text query, filter notes by materials or tags.
You should:
, #history
, #linguistics
Also, here there is a graph with all notes.
Or graph for selected material.
The user can open a note with context menu, edit it or delete.
Using these arrows user can iter over all note links.
Here is a graph with the current note links.
When edit the note the user can:
, Stop
);Tags and links lists might be scrolled left/right.
Here there are reading graphic, backuping and restoring from the Google Drive.
All graphic shows statistics for chosen time span (a week by default).
How the material was being reading:
Statistics of read pages for the time span.
Would be total
— how many pages would be read if there were no empty days;Statistics of inserted notes for the time span.